Monday, January 22, 2007

Compare Data Using The Command Line Utility

The SQL Studio Data Compare command line interface helps to automate database comparison and synchronization. It allows pre-configured data compare and synchronization jobs to be scheduled and executed at off-times. The command line interface can use saved projects or to create projects on the fly.

Here is the syntax for using the SQL Studio Data Compare command line utility:

DataCompare_cmd.exe <list of options>

Here are the options that can be used with the SQL Studio Data Compare command line interface:

/? Shows this information
-x Executes the generated script
-v Shows the generated script on the standard output
-f [FILE] Saves the generated script to FILE
-s [PROJECT] Uses the configuration from the saved PROJECT for the synchronization
-log [FILE] Specifies the operation log file
/SR Sync differences to right
/SL Sync differences to left
/ALL Sync all to left/right; this option will trigger Sync for all records (full synchronization), not only differences
/SKIP Skip tables with no Primary Key
/INCLFK Includes all (if any) not included foreign key tables in the database sync
/DUMP Generate INSERT statements only
/CMP Perform a Database compare (valid only for Database projects)
-rpt [FILE] Specifies the location and name of the report file with the results of the Database compare
/LINKL Specifies that the left server will be linked during compare. NOTE: After specifying this option you should also specify the '-isecl' option for using Integrated Security or use the '-ul' and '-pl' options for specifying valid SQL credentials for the left server
/LINKR Specifies that the right server will be linked during compare. NOTE: After specifying this option you should also specify the '-isecr' option for using Integrated Security or use the '-ur' and '-pr' options for specifying valid SQL credentials for the right server
-template [FILE] Specifies a custom report template
-ds [PROJECT] Deletes PROJECT from the list of saved projects
-as [PROJECT] Adds PROJECT to the list of saved projects with the following settings:
-sl [SERVER] Left Server
-ul [USER] User for login to left server
-pl [PASSW] Password for login to left server
-isecl Use integrated security for left server
-dbl [DB] Database from left server
-schl [SCHEMA] Schema name for the table from left database
-tbll [TABLE] Table from left database
-sr [SERVER] Right Server
-ur [USER] User for login to right server
-pr [PASSW] Password for login to right server
-isecr Use integrated security for right server
-dbr [DB] Database from right server
-schl [SCHEMA] Schema name for the table from the right database
-tblr [TABLE] Table from right database

For more information and examples of using the SQL Studio Data Compare command line utility see the following knowledge base article:

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